Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Garmisch & future plans

Being back in Garmisch for this week has been a nice rest, seeing old friends again and being able to just relax has been huge. It's weird though, when I was in AZ for the first couple months I thought about coming back to Garmisch often and wished I could return (with my family of course), but being here I realized that it's sometimes better just to move on to different things now matter how easy or agreable a past situation might have been. I don't know if I will ever come back here but I don't think it would be the best thing for me if I did. It would just be too easy and planed out, true living in Europe is great but I think I can manage something more interesting.

My time here has been awesome though, I've gone to the erding sauna which is the biggest in europe and had a great day with my haf (friend from Garmisch). My friend Gary and I did a ride that absoultly killed me and to top it off it rained and hailed on us for an hour before we got home. The mountains are still here and as beautiful as ever, even though they were covered for most of the time I was here they still made a point to come out for a couple of hours and say hallo. Playing chess with the old boys in Garmisch was also a great experience, it's nice to be so warmly greeted by old Bavarian guys who share the same love. Of course after the greetings we tried to rip each others heads off, but that's chess. I'm glad to have had the oppertunity to live here, but strong moves must be made.

I've changed the plans a bit, I know I had told everyone I was planing on eastern Europe but... I decided to go to Turkey and Egypt instead after Tyler leaves me in Greece on the 26th. I don't really know why I changed my mind but I liked the randomness of this new direction. Just thinking about going to Egypt filled me with the same nervous wonder I felt before leaving to India. It's also one of those once in a life time opertunity things you read about. I'm going to be in Turkey for 4 days and then in Eygpt for 8 before returning to Garmisch to do a bike trip with my good friend Gary.

I've got an hour before the train and the night ahead of me sleeping on a bench at the airport. My pack has even less in it than before, I feel light, happy and focused ready to meet what comes next. I'll write soon and of course send pics from the sand and heat. Much love. zak

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