Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Copenhagen is ill

Copenhagen has been amazing!
But I wont lie the first day was pretty rough. After 20 some odd hours of flying including a delayed flight I arrived in the coppenhagen airport. I hadn't gotten any real sleep to speak of the whole trip and it was pouring icy cold rain out side. I was half considering just getting a hotel so I wouldn't have to walk the .75 km outside in the rain to Mark's house (my couchsurfing host) not to mention the fact I didn't know if he would be home and had no way of getting in touch with him. I decided I might as well try it because as wonderful as a hot shower and sleeping in a hotel room sounded, I figured I should get out and start this whole meeting people thing ASAP. I immediatly regreted my decition after I steped out of the train and began walking. It seems I've gotten used to eternal sunshine and this whole freezing rain thing blows nuts.

With little trouble I arrived at Mark's place and found him home (thank god). His house is a modest one living room, one bed room place that he has filled with couch surfers for what seems like the next month strait. He had a German, Polish and Dutch guy staying there and said that 3 german girlys would be coming shortly. The other surfers were chill as shit and we kicked it inside and drank a few beers, seeing as there was nothing else to do n account of the rain. The german girlys arrived shortly after and we talked while watching Danish TV till it was time for me to pass out.

The next day I woke up to a beauifuly sunny morning and went for a run in the park that Mark told me about. Then I set about walking about the city. Copenhagen is some what like amsterdam but a bit less crazy. I walked around for an hour or so before I heard my name being called, which is very strang if you are in a city you've never been in before. It was the male couch surfers. I said what up and we decided to head off to a park to sit in the sun and play some chess. After a couple of games and a nap a decided to go off by myself and check out the modern art museum, which turned out to be really cool.

I'm rushing through all of this because I really want to get in the wonderful conversation I had with an amazingly cute Swedish girl last night. Mark's girlfriend has a twin sister that is going to stay at mark's place while she looks for a job. I ended up teaching her how to play a bit of chess while we talked about everything from her art work to polotics and kids till 1 am. It has been quite some time (ass most of you know) since I've had a conversation with a female my age. It was very nice to just sit and talk, I had almost forgot what it was like. Tonight I'm going to a party with her and her sister (super excited). Its a party their friends are throwing because they're cleaning their attic. Which I will admit is pretty weird but should prove to be interesting.

Other than that I'm still rather jet laged and am in desperate need of a shower. I'll try to write a more timely and spirited account in the days to come. I hope you all are doing well. Love

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