Thursday, June 26, 2008

Islands and sunny smiles

My last few days on the Greek islands have been nothing short of amazing. I've made new friends, sang made up songs with them and spent most of my days swimming lazyily in the beautifuly blue salt water. I've felt more free in these last few days than any I can remember in my life. Paros the last island I visited was wonderful, I spent my first night sleeping on the ground in a tent with only my 3 tee shirts to pad the ground. I met a crazy french girl there and we spent the night walking around and taking pictures. In the morning I decided it was time to move on, so I hopped on the scooter and headed to another side of the island to see if I couldn't find a cheap bed to rest my broke ass on. I ended up finding a super tight hostel that these two German girls worked at. It was a very warm place, everyone there seemed so happy and we spent the night together around the barbeque speaking a mix of German and English. I also met this super cool girl Viyda from New Zeland at the hostel, we ended up getting along well and traveled together to Athens on the ferry the next day. After hours of good convo and a bit of chess the ferry pulled into the port in Athens, we were followed by at least a hundread seguls who were flying like fighter pilots next to our ship diving whithin inches of the water to eat the fish that were forced to the surface. The sun was setting behind us and casting a wonderful array of colors on the city as we pulled in to dock, I was so greatful to be alive. The rest of the night was wonderful, we found a room with little trouble and then watched Germany beat Turkey 3-2 in the 90th minute.
Right now I'm waiting to catch my flight at 19:45 to Istanbul and other than flying to Eygpt on the 3oth I have no plans. I hopefully will find a place to play chess when I arrive and a Turkish bath might also have to do down. The few hours I've spent in Athens have been tight though. I found a meat market where they sell whole carcuses of animals in the open air. The smell of exposed flesh and the twang of the butcher's knifes craking through bone on wooden slabs was enough to make me consider not eating meat for about 15 minutes, until I walked past a gyro place and the smell of seasond pork rotating on a spit brought me back to my senses, the gyro was juicy and delicous. I've got to run but I leave you with a pic of the gutted mess and a toast to the beautiful flesh that fills my belly at this time.
Sorry spell check doesn't work.

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