Friday, June 20, 2008

Pics after another long blog silence

The last week has been a mix of relaxing days on the beach and seemingly endless bus and ferry rides. It's all worth it of course and I'm sure after seeing the pictures I think you'll agree. (hopefully they get downloaded).

After Rome tyler and I headed down to the Amalfi coast in Italy, it's similar to Cinque Terra with it's cliff side dwellings and beaches but differs in the amount of tourists. Amalfi seemed less over run and felt very Itailian. In the two days we spent there we did little else except sit at the beach, swim and watch Itailan kids play soccer. We also ended up meeting a really cool guy (bill) who was a teacher from the states who was studying in Italy on a grant of some sort (tough life huh?). We watched a Turkey's epic comeback against Chech with him and shared a meal the next day.

Then the time came to leave our beautiful cliff side dwelling and we began our 48 hour journey to the island of Santorini in Greece. This Journey would include a 6 hour train ride, 2 8 hour ferry rides and 7 hours on a bus so funky I thought I might actually pass out. The positive side of this long journey was of course the people we met along the way. We meet these kids from colorado who used to live in Pheonix on our first ferry to Igomentista (greece), we ended up having a great time with them on the first ferry. After we arrived in igomentista we were supposed to be parting ways but after their travel plans fell through we ended up deciding to go to Santorini together. The journey there was another 24 hour experience, we had to battle the funky bus and another 8 hour ferry. Shortly after we arrived any thoughts of the funk of the bus or the traveling of the past 2 days were quickly forgotten. We found a super cheap hotel and rented motor scooters, which fucking fly by the way I got mine to at least 90km+ on a bit of a down hill. (don't worry too much mom I had a helmet on and I'm trying to keep it as safe as possible). The scooters are a blast though we spent the first days doing a beach tour of the southern part of the island. We would stop at every beach we found swim for a bit and then roll out to a different location. At one beach we found a cave that you could swim into and then stand up in walk for a bit and then swim out to the other side of the rock face. I wanted to get pictures of the cave because it was so amazing, so I hatched a plan to tie my camera up in plastic bags and then where it on top of my head so I could swim into the cave and get some pics. The plan went off wonderfully and the first sensual zak of the trip was captured in a cave filled with beautiful see water, and don't worry sensual zak will most certainly be coming out again before the trip is over. After the sensual experience in the cave I went on an island tour by myself while everyone else hung out at the pool. I got some great pics of the sunset and the surrounding buildings.

I've got to run but I will (and I know I always say this) try to be a bit more on point with the blogging when I can find Internet. I'm heading to a few more islands and then I'm off to Istanbul on the 26th and then on the 30th to Cairo and the heat. I can't wait, but for right now I'm going to hop back on my scooter and fly to the other side of the island to take a dip. I love you guys, see you soon, Zak

Of shit I almost forgot, I found the best pair of scharf boy shorts you've ever seen in you life, they're so fly, see for your self the red lacoste boys in the pics.


chelsea said...

AH I'm so jealous. I love Greece...Santorini especially. I only got to go for the day when I went to Greece. Your pictures are lovely...hope you are having a blast. Love you Zak.

La Legione di Resistenza said...

your pics are amazing! keep the journey alive.