Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The attic party

Last night I went to an "attic cleaning" party with the cute swedish girl idda I had met the night before. Basically I helped these Danish girls clean their attic out and then we sat up there while drinking beer and eating pizza while waiting for more of their friends to arrive. It was so much fun for how simple it was. I was also doing my best to understand some Danish which is somewhat similar to german. After we were a couple of beers deep I asked one of the girls to grab her guitar and we went around in a circle singing and free styling while she played. At first everyone was a bit weirded out but then they all got into it and in no time were yelling at the top of their lungs in a mix of swedish, danish and english. The whole night made my trip to Denmark and already my trip to Europe. I could leave for how tomorrow and be totally happy with my trip. Luckily for me it has just scratched the surface and I still have many days in front of me. It's amazing when I think about it and realize I've only been gone for 5 days, it feels more like a month.

I also heard from Tyler, he had a rough first night in London and ended up having to wait for 12 hours in some fishing village for a ferry to Amsterdam. I'm going to see him later on today, I can't wait.

I have to run I'm about to go to the beach with the Swedish girly and then have to catch a train to the airport. love you guys

the spell check doesn't work on Danish computers and I didn't prof read, i'm sorry ;)

1 comment:

alzct said...

I like your blogs. I'll get some playboys and we can have a garage cleaning party when you come home. Max love, Solar Twan (It had to be 110 degrees today)